post carousel

Short code: [ ap24_carousel_posts ]


Carousel is based on the post type and different templates can be used. Topper will only fetch vehicles that are marked as top offers. The carousel_id needs only to be set if you want to show multiple carousels on one page. Depending on the post_type there are different arguments like brand id or ehline_cat_id that can be used.
The short code makes use of the WP_Query() class.

jQuery plugin info



‘post_type’ = ‘vehicles’
‘topper’ = 0 (only for vehicles)
‘image_ids’ = ” (image id’s | separated)
‘carousel_id’ = ‘owl-demo’ (css id)
‘brand_id’ = ” (vehicles + posts types width reference filter)
‘model_id’ = ” (vehicles + posts types width reference filter)
‘ehline_cat_id’ = ” (only for ehline products)
‘title’ = ” (section title can be set here)
‘posts_per_page’= 20,
‘taxonomy’ = ” (any taxonomy can be chosen and needs to be set in combination with a term_slug)
‘term_slug’ = ”
‘auto_play’ = false
‘related’ = false (true would add a panel wrapper around the carousel)